Sunday, June 14, 2020

Health Care Management Case Study Biomedical Assignment - 825 Words

Health Care Management Case Study Biomedical Assignment (Case Study Sample) Content: Health Care Management Case StudyNameInstitution Health Care Management Case StudyQuestion 4The challenge of duplication of services and departments should be handled through a careful complete assessment of job description and roles of the departments. This will prevent any layoff of workers after merging. Nonetheless, the employees were concerned about seniority, job placement, benefit packages, and compensation. Therefore, there is need to evaluate the employees based on a volume forecast that reflects the required performance of merged institutions (Buchbinder Shanks, 2012). In addition, job descriptions in various positions can be altered to ensure that every employee understands their role. Combining departments from the two hospitals resulted in job duplication, which can be handled through job reassignment. The merged organization should also hire more nurses to raise the LPN/RN ratios. This will enable the merged organizations to offer high-tech services.Que stion 6The board and the administrators should use the human resources to calm any fears of the staff throughout the merging period. Human Resources department manages all types of problems related to people as the merging process unfolds. For instance, it will help in soothing out the transition for employees, calm any fears, and answer any question from the staff concerning the acquisition. Notably, the human resource addresses any rumors about layoffs and any other changes that employees fear and then give feedback to the management. The changes witnessed after merging include changes to different positions and roles. According to Bryant Chase (2006), communicating to the staff during the proces...

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