Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Physics of Bowling Essay -- Physics Bowling Papers

The Physics of Bowling The meaning of material science by some might be the science that manages matter, vitality, movement, and power. Along these lines everything on the planet utilizes material science here and there or another. One of the various things that manage material science is bowling. A portion of the significant pieces of material science bowling has is the movements, the manners in which that Newton’s laws apply, the various forces, and the vitality. Different material science points incorporate torque, pendulum hypothesis and impacts. In the movement of bowling numerous things are going on that apply to bowling. There is uprooting, speed, gravity, and quickening. There is additionally a restriction to movement, which is erosion. The dislodging would be the bowling ball going from the situation of leaving the hand to where it rests at the back by the pin gatherer. The speed of the ball would incorporate the speed and course of the ball. The condition to discover the speed of the ball would be the removal separated when taken to arrive at the goal. Gravity influences everything on this planet. Bowling is no exemption. In the event that the bowling ball were hurled out of the hand of a bowler, gravity would bring it down to the floor. On the off chance that the pin and bowling ball fell simultaneously from a similar stature they would hit the ground at precisely the same time. This is one principle reason everything manages material science. The increasing speed would be in a hindering state or deceleration. It would decelerate in view of the little rubbing from the ball to the floor. The restriction to the movement, called grating is the ball contacting the floor. In bowling this is an incredible factor since it is utilized to turn into the pins in a definite area. When the ball reaches the path's surface, grinding comes into ... ...f the material science world that most don’t set aside some effort to consider. In this game it was seen the many applied material science that occurs. It incorporates the movements, the manners in which that Newton’s laws apply, the various energies, and the vitality. A portion of different material science points incorporate torque, pendulum hypothesis and crashes. This game just as whatever else is influenced by material science. Despite the fact that material science is included and it probably won't appear to be so confounded to hit down pins however physical science influences everything so it would take a great deal of karma and expertise to not wreck anything with the physical science. Works Cited: 1.Internet site, science/ventures/2000_Spring/bowling/by Colleen Bryan Emily Butsic Bo Hu Adrienne Metz. 2.Book, â€Å"A World View fourth edition,† by Kirkpatrick and Wheeler, 1992. 3.Article, â€Å"The Physics of Bowling,† by Tim Burgess, vol.34, May 1996. The Physics of Bowling Essay - Physics Bowling Papers The Physics of Bowling The meaning of material science by some might be the science that manages matter, vitality, movement, and power. Consequently everything on the planet utilizes material science here and there or another. One of the various things that manage material science is bowling. A portion of the significant pieces of material science bowling has is the movements, the manners in which that Newton’s laws apply, the various forces, and the vitality. Different material science subjects incorporate torque, pendulum hypothesis and crashes. In the movement of bowling numerous things are going on that apply to bowling. There is uprooting, speed, gravity, and increasing speed. There is additionally a resistance to movement, which is contact. The uprooting would be the bowling ball going from the situation of leaving the hand to where it rests at the back by the pin gatherer. The speed of the ball would incorporate the speed and heading of the ball. The condition to discover the speed of the ball would be the dislodging isolated when taken to arrive at the goal. Gravity influences everything on this planet. Bowling is no special case. On the off chance that the bowling ball were hurled out of the hand of a bowler, gravity would bring it down to the floor. In the event that the pin and bowling ball fell simultaneously from a similar stature they would hit the ground at precisely the same time. This is one primary explanation everything manages material science. The quickening would be in a hindering state or deceleration. I t would decelerate in light of the little erosion from the ball to the floor. The resistance to the movement, called contact is the ball contacting the floor. In bowling this is an extraordinary factor since it is utilized to turn into the pins in an accurate area. When the ball reaches the path's surface, rubbing comes into ... ...f the material science world that most don’t set aside some effort to consider. In this game it was seen the many applied material science that occurs. It incorporates the movements, the manners in which that Newton’s laws apply, the various forces, and the vitality. A portion of different material science subjects incorporate torque, pendulum hypothesis and crashes. This game just as whatever else is influenced by material science. Despite the fact that material science is included and it probably won't appear to be so convoluted to hit down pins however material science influences everything so it would take a great deal of karma and aptitude to not wreck anything with the physical science. Works Cited: 1.Internet site, science/ventures/2000_Spring/bowling/by Colleen Bryan Emily Butsic Bo Hu Adrienne Metz. 2.Book, â€Å"A World View fourth edition,† by Kirkpatrick and Wheeler, 1992. 3.Article, â€Å"The Physics of Bowling,† by Tim Burgess, vol.34, May 1996.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

No war in the modern world can possibly be just. Discuss Essay

No war in the advanced world can be simply. Talk about - Essay Example In any case, humanists vary with such assumptions, expressing that it is our ethical commitment to utilize our thinking intellectual capacities and knowledge to ponder on war and overwhelm such regular senses. Along these lines in case of rise of war, we should investigate peaceful intercessions (Norman, 2007, pp.1-5). Tranquil arrangements are not frequently easy to show up at or put into power, as the past record of the United Nations recommends. Be that as it may, individuals ought to be submitted in supporting the UN’s tranquil endeavors towards settling clashes among states. A critical number of humanists, for example, Betrand Russell, have come out to eagerly contradict the utilization and assembling of weapons of mass devastation. Today’s religion is foolish since it is steady of brutal methods for settling contrasts and treacheries (Norman, 2007, pp.1-5). Religion ought to never be a defense for partaking in war. Non-strict people rush to feature the numerous wars that have been pursued for quite a long time inferable from strict contrasts. These are strange purposes behind removing different people’s lives. They likewise denounce the job that world’s significant religions play normally in advancing war. Liberal vote based systems have a decent in general notoriety with regards to savagery. Actually, most liberal majority rules systems will be recalled in the archives of history as having an incredible record for not touching off or advancing wars (Norman, 2007, pp.1-5). Today’s religions have digressed from looking for confidence and immaculateness, and rather become caught in exercises equipped towards advancing war. Before, Christians communicated reservations towards taking an interest in military exercises. A significant insignificant part of Christians today pull for the precept ‘Thou shalt not kill’. Similarly, they refer to Jesus’s exhortation to accept punishment silently and not and not avoid detestable, as a rule for assuagement. However, when Christianity

Friday, August 21, 2020

Amputation Mishap

Removal Mishap The Neighborhood News reports of a clinical blunder at The Neighborhood Hospital. The report expresses a multi year-old male patient experienced medical procedure to have his leg cut away just to find an inappropriate leg was cut off during medical procedure. The paper article expresses the accident is carelessness. In the accompanying sections, carelessness, net carelessness, and misbehavior are talked about and decide whether the newspaper’s articulation of carelessness is right. Moral standards in nursing and nursing documentation with respect to such issues are additionally examined. Carelessness and negligence fall under the tort laws definition.According to Guido (2010), â€Å"Torts are respectful wrongs, not founded on contracts, yet on close to home offenses in that the capable individual played out an activity inaccurately or precluded an important action† (p. 92). Tort laws depend on deficiency and in a social insurance setting, tort laws are th e most widely recognized. To decide whether the above situation brings about carelessness, net carelessness, or clinical negligence, one must comprehend the meaning of each. As indicated by Guido (2010), carelessness is a general term and â€Å"equates with indiscretion, a deviation from the standard of care that a sensible individual would use in a specific arrangement of circumstances† (p. 2). As indicated by Judson and Harrison (2006), four key components (four D’s), must be available to demonstrate carelessness (p. 101): 1. Obligation: The individual charged has an obligation to give care to the patient. Neighborhood Hospital and staff have an obligation to give a standard of care that a sensible individual would use in a specific situation. 2. Neglect: The individual charged penetrates the obligation of care to the patient. The working room group neglected to recognize the right leg for removal before continuing with the activity; in this way a penetrate of obliga tion has happened. 3.Direct reason: The penetrate of obligation is an immediate reason for injury to the patient. An inappropriate leg is cut off as an immediate aftereffect of inability to recognize the right leg for removal. As an immediate outcome, the patient will turn into a twofold amputee once the right leg is removed. 4. Harms: A conspicuous physical issue to the patient is available. For this situation, an inappropriate leg was cut away regarding an unmistakable injury. Utilizing the above standards, carelessness is available for this situation. Net carelessness happens when clinical experts play out a purposeful demonstration paying little heed to the negative, foreseen consequences.In this situation, the patient must demonstrate the clinical staff at Neighborhood Hospital deliberately removed an inappropriate leg. The clinical staff at Neighborhood Hospital didn't purposefully remove an inappropriate leg, in this way precluding gross carelessness. As indicated by Guido (2 010), clinical negligence is â€Å"the disappointment of an expert individual to act as per the common expert guidelines or inability to anticipate outcomes that an expert individual, having the important aptitudes and training, ought to foresee† (p. 93). Guido further expresses the contrast among carelessness and misbehavior is licensure.If the demonstration is by a non-proficient individual, it is carelessness. On the off chance that the demonstration is by an expert individual, it is negligence. Six components must be available to demonstrate negligence (Guido, 2010, p. 93): 1. Obligation owed to the patient Neighborhood Hospital and staff have an obligation to give a standard of care that a sensible individual would use in a specific situation. 2. Break of the obligation owed to the patient. The working room group neglected to recognize the right leg for removal before continuing with the activity; in this manner a break of obligation has happened. 3. Foreseeability.The e xclusion of distinguishing the right leg for removal preceding medical procedure. 4. Causation: break of obligation owed caused injury. An inappropriate leg is removed as an immediate consequence of inability to recognize the right leg for removal. As an immediate outcome, the patient will turn into a twofold amputee once the right leg is cut off. 5. Injury. For this situation, an inappropriate leg was excised esteeming a conspicuous physical issue. 6. Harms. The cut away leg can't be supplanted; in this way the patient is qualified for compensatory harms with respect to agony and enduring, changeless incapacity, distortion, enthusiastic harms just as budgetary misfortune and clinical expenses.In this situation, each of the six components to demonstrate misbehavior are available. The carelessness is by authorized work force in a medical clinic setting. Utilizing the definitions and standards over, the paper inaccurately characterizes the accident as carelessness. The right term to u se for this situation is proficient carelessness or misbehavior. Nursing documentation ought to be intelligent of the patient’s medical clinic remain. This incorporates recognizing and tending to understanding needs, evaluations, issues, impediments, and reactions to nursing interventions.According to Guido (2010), â€Å"Documentation must show coherence of care, intercessions that were actualized, and persistent reactions to the treatments executed. Nurses’ notes are to be brief, clear, auspicious, and complete† (p. 197). Guido (2010) records the accompanying rules for medical caretakers to use to guarantee documentation is finished and exact (p. 197-209): 1. Mention a passage for each objective fact. In the event that documentation is missing, it tends to be expected a perception didn't occur. 2. Follow-up varying. Assessment and perceptions require follow up to guarantee proper patient reactions and ideal results. . Peruse medical attendants notes preceding g iving consideration. Perusing attendants notes empower the medical caretaker to know and comprehend quiet determination, reaction to treatment, and steps important to do the arrangement of care. 4. Continuously make a passage (regardless of whether it is late). Record following the perception to decrease the danger of losing significant data. A late section is worthy in spite of the fact that dangers precluding important data. Never report an occasion it occurs. 5. Utilize clear and target language. Record utilizing clear, objective, and distinct terms to depict the observation.Vague expressions lead to confusion. 6. Be sensible and accurate. It is critical to record genuine perceptions and evaluations precisely as they occur. It is additionally prescribed to record a practical image of the patient, particularly if the patient is resistant with the arrangement of care. 7. Outline just one’s own perceptions. Diagramming perceptions of others isn't precise perceptions and can c ause validity of the medical caretaker being referred to. 8. Graph all patient training 9. Right diagram mistakes. 10. Distinguish oneself after each section. 11. Utilize normalized agendas or stream sheets. 2. Rule out obligation. As indicated by Guido (2010), â€Å"Understanding one’s morals and qualities is the initial phase in understanding the morals and estimations of others and in guaranteeing the conveyance of fitting nursing care† (p. 4). Medical attendants and other social insurance suppliers face moral issues day by day. Together, law and morals manage nursing practice to give sheltered, powerful consideration keeping patients liberated from hurt. â€Å"Ethics are worried about gauges of conduct and the idea of good and bad, well beyond that which is legitimate in a given situation† (Judson and Harrison, 2006, p. ). Likewise, getting law and morals in nursing practice keeps medical caretakers at their expert best and diminishes the danger of lawful ca se, for example, the situation portrayed by the Neighborhood News. â€Å"Though negligence is uncommon in the lives of individual medicinal services experts, the quantity of misbehavior suits is on the rise† (Larson and Elliott, 2010, p. 153). The nursing calling has more expert obligation and responsibility than some other time in the historical backdrop of nursing.According to Weld and Garmon Bibb (2009), â€Å"nurses must stand up to the way that they currently owe a higher obligation of care to their patients, and by augmentation, are more presented to common cases for carelessness than any other time in recent memory before† (p. 2). Understanding moral standards in nursing, significance of nursing documentation and how it identifies with clinical misbehavior and carelessness is basic. References: Guido, G. W. (2010). Lawful and Ethical Issues in Nursing (fifth ed. ). College of Phoenix eBook Collection database. Judson, K. , and Harrison, C. (2006). Law and Ethics for Medical Careers (fifth ed. ). College of Phoenix eBook Collection database.Larson, K. , and Elliott, R. (2010, March-April). The Emotional Impact of Malpractice. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 37(2), 153-156. Ebscohost. com. Prideaux, A. (2011). Issues in Nursing Documentation and Record Keeping Practice. English Journal of Nursing, 20(22), 1450-1454. Ebscohost. com The Neighborhood-Pearson Health Science. The Neighborhood News. Recovered October 1, 2012, from http://pearsonneighborhood. ecollege. com/re/DotNextLaunch. asp? courseid=3609454 Weld, K. K. , and Garmon Bibb, S. C. (2009, January-March). Idea Analysis: Malpractice and Modern-Day Nursing Practice. Nursing Forum, 44(1), 2-10. Ebscohost. com.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Health Care Management Case Study Biomedical Assignment - 825 Words

Health Care Management Case Study Biomedical Assignment (Case Study Sample) Content: Health Care Management Case StudyNameInstitution Health Care Management Case StudyQuestion 4The challenge of duplication of services and departments should be handled through a careful complete assessment of job description and roles of the departments. This will prevent any layoff of workers after merging. Nonetheless, the employees were concerned about seniority, job placement, benefit packages, and compensation. Therefore, there is need to evaluate the employees based on a volume forecast that reflects the required performance of merged institutions (Buchbinder Shanks, 2012). In addition, job descriptions in various positions can be altered to ensure that every employee understands their role. Combining departments from the two hospitals resulted in job duplication, which can be handled through job reassignment. The merged organization should also hire more nurses to raise the LPN/RN ratios. This will enable the merged organizations to offer high-tech services.Que stion 6The board and the administrators should use the human resources to calm any fears of the staff throughout the merging period. Human Resources department manages all types of problems related to people as the merging process unfolds. For instance, it will help in soothing out the transition for employees, calm any fears, and answer any question from the staff concerning the acquisition. Notably, the human resource addresses any rumors about layoffs and any other changes that employees fear and then give feedback to the management. The changes witnessed after merging include changes to different positions and roles. According to Bryant Chase (2006), communicating to the staff during the proces...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Individualism in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken,...

Individualism in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken, Zalman Kings In Gods Hands and James Baldwins Sonnys Blues Every society has certain values and generally accepted ways of living that are considered normal. These principles are what keep societies organized and orderly. Conforming to these principles, however, is not necessarily the road to happiness for every individual. The main character, Shane, in In God’s Hands, Sonny, in Sonny’s Blues, and the speaker in The Road Not Taken, all choose not to live by what is considered normal, or popular, and are able to find happiness by living as individuals. Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken is a poem about the choices every person must make in their life. The first line of†¦show more content†¦Though it would seem that Sonny’s life would be miserable compared to that of his brother, he is able to find happiness with his unusual lifestyle. Throughout most of the story Sonny seems to be out of place. He is not accepted by society, and not understood by his family. At the end of the story, however, when Sonny takes his brother to a blues club to see him perform, Sonny becomes the successful and popular one, while his brother is the outsider. When Sonny’s brother first gets to the club he realizes that â€Å"everyone at the bar knew Sonny†. The line, â€Å"Here, I was in Sonny’s world. Or, rather: his kingdom. Here, it was not even a question that his veins bore royal blood†, shows that Sonny was happy and respected by the people at the club. Though the life of a heroin addict is certa inly not considered normal, and should not be glorified, Sonny is still able to find happiness in his individuality. Zalman King’s In God’s Hands is a movie about three surfers who are traveling around the world training to become big wave surfers (meaning that they will use jet skis to be towed into waves in excess of forty feet). The main character of this story is Shane, who is the best surfer out of the three, but whose personality is very different from his two companions. Shane is a spiritual loner, who has made surfing his entire life. While his friends spend much of their lives partying, and chasing women, Shane spends his

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Isolation and Nature in the Works of Robert...

Isolation and Nature in the Works of Robert Frost During the height of Robert Frost’s popularity, he was a well-loved poet who’s natural- and simple-seeming verse drew people - academics, artists, ordinary people both male and female - together into lecture halls and at poetry readings across the country.1 An eloquent, witty, and, above all else, honest public speaker, Frost’s readings imbued his poetry with a charismatic resonance beyond that of the words on paper, and it is of little surprise that people gathered to listen. Yet it remains somewhat ironic that his poetry would possess this power to bring individuals together - poetry that, for the most part, contains a prevailing theme of alienation, of a sense of separation†¦show more content†¦It is often in this separation that the subject turns to the non-human for solace - and that the relations between the human and the non-human are explored. Appropriately enough, both these elements - one’s interaction with both the human and the non-human - are contained within the opening poem of North of Boston, The Pasture. We have the narrator heading out ‘. . . to clean the pasture spring’, that is, to participate with nature. There is a clear fondness for the outside extolled within the verse, as shown by the attention to the young calf, and by the desire to remain and ‘watch the water clear’3 - a desire quite contrary to the narratorr’s insistence that ‘I shan’t be gone long.’. What is curious, though, is the request that ends each stanza: ‘ - You come too.’. What needs to be determined is wether this is a genuine request for human accompaniment, or, like the somewhat forced statement it is linked with, a by-rote expression that belies the narrator’s desire to enjoy the idyllic scene alone. The poem serves well as the opening for the book, encapsulating two of the major themes that North of Boston deals with. However, to examine the first of the scenarios outlined above - poetry in which no human presence isShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Dark Side of Humanity Exposed in Robert Frosts Poetry991 Words   |  4 PagesThe Dark Side of Humanity Exposed in Robert Frosts Poetry Robert Frost is often referred to as a poet of nature. Words and phrases such as fire and ice, flowers in bloom, apple orchards and rolling hills, are all important elements of Frosts work. These ‘benign objects provide an alternative way to look at the world and are often used as metaphors to describe a darker view of nature and humans. In Frosts poetry, the depth is as important as the surface. The darker aspects of Frosts poetryRead MoreImagery in Robert Frost’s â€Å"Desert Places†720 Words   |  3 PagesApril 19, 2010 Imagery in Robert Frost’s â€Å"Desert Places† Robert Frost, an American poet of the late 19th century, used nature in many of his writings. 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In the absence of effective communication, we play the foolish game of avoidingRead MoreRobert Frost s Writing Style1589 Words   |  7 Pages Robert Frost once said, â€Å"The figure a poem makes. It begins in delight and ends in wisdom... in a clarification of life - not necessarily a great clarification, such as sects and cults are founded on, but in a momentary stay against confusion† (Robert Frost Quotes). This same kind of thinking opened the door for metaphorical poetry that helped to show the poets transparency. His love for the social outcast and the struggles of his life are exhibited greatly in his poems. Robert Frost helpedRead MoreThe Unnatural Life of Robert Frost683 Words   |  3 PagesThe Unnatural Life of R. Frost. One of the most humble of men to be awarded a modest four Pulitzer prizes and casually accept a Congressional Gold Medal for his works, Robert Frost arguably carried a literary movement and immortalized himself in history. 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I chose this particular poem because I have enjoyed the readings we have done so far of his work and The Road NotRead MoreRobert Frost s Mending Wall1291 Words   |  6 PagesIn Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Mending Wall†, he illustrates barriers as linking people through, communication, friendship and the sense of security people gain from those barriers. His messages are utilized through systems, for example, symbolism, structure, and humor, uncovering a complex side of the poem and, in addition, accomplishing a general carefree impact. In Robert Frost’s â€Å"Mending Wall† a tightly woven intricate balance of literal an d metaphorical meaning is portrayed through themes of isolation

Sociology Mental and Sexual Atrocities

Questions: 1. What was the most surprising thing that stood out to you about the film? 2. What did you find most difficult to watch/hear?3. Do you think that most Canadians really know about what went on in Residential Schools? Why or why not?4. How did the experiences and education being taught in the Residential Schools affect the students sense of self-worth?5. The 100 years of Residential schools have been called Canadas Holocaust. If this is true, then why are most people ignorant to what really went on? Why do you think people hold so easily to their negative stereotypes (or racist views)?6. How do you think this could affect a persons choices after leaving the Residential School?7. How do you think we can promote reconciliation after all of the harm that has been done? Did the national apology from Steven Harper make a difference? Why or why not?8. What are you going to do with what youve seen? How will this affect you (and how you treat your patients or people in society) in your nursin g career? Answers: 1. The most surprising thing about the movie We were children is the manner in which the Canadian governments residential system got involved in physical, mental and sexual atrocities to young children. The scene of Lyna being subjected to hunger, loneliness, racism and abuse at such a young age truly makes me question why should children be subjected to such atrocities at such young age when they needs to be nurtured and cared. 2. The most disturbing scene for me is Glens attempt to commit suicide. 3. I think Canadians were aware about the atrocities in Residential school because the Canadian Government formally apologized for these schools in June 2008. The Canadian Residential school system was started way back in the 1850s and since then about 1,50, 000 aboriginal children in Canada were legally forced to attend the residential schools. The main purpose was to integrate the aboriginal population into the Canadian society. All Canadian are now aware of the atrocities and horrendous experience of children in these schools after the government apology and several attempts to retell the story. The movie We were children has disclosed the horror acts to the world through the narration and acting of Lyna and Glen. Several reports also covered atrocities in residential schools which depicted violation of childs self esteem and culture. 4. The experience and education taught in Residential schools affected the students self-worth in many ways. This can be understood from the experiences of the character Lyna and Glen in the movie We were children. These children were punished for speaking their own language and often locked up in storage room for several days. They were victims of abuse and have witnessed abuse done to other children too at the residential school. Their feeling of self-worth was highly affected as it was seen in the movie that both Lyna and Glen faced lot of difficulty in adjusting to life outside school. They had a feeling that they were not suitable to fit into the white society and it lead may children to attempt suicide to stop their sufferings. All form of abuses, poor sanitation along with overcrowding and threatening has resulted in poor self-esteem in affected children and rise in social dysfunction over the generation. 5. The Residential school system has been called the Canadas holocaust, still may people are ignorant to what happened at the school. This can be said because despite several reports on negative experience of residential school children, nothing has been done still to improve the experience of these children or the survivors. They now suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome and have poor social and professional skills. Aboriginal community is still in need f ways to health their wounds caused by substance abuse, violence and crime. The experience of children at the Canadian residential school depicts racial stereotyping practices in society. They were abused because of their race and origin. People hold on to negative stereotypes because of their social values and attitude towards people. Some engage in this racial stereotype because they were also a part of it. It was also found that children experiencing racism in residential school tend to transmit this across generation depicting their own experience as a factor influencing such acts. Negative stereotypes can affects a persons choice after leaving the residential school because they will also adapt the abusive behavior learned from residential school. It will lead to a intergenerational trauma in which effects of racial experience will be passed on to vulnerable children. Due to this racial stereotypes, their cultural values and sense will be affected leading to harmful consequence in the future. They might develop feelings of low self-esteem and sense of worthlessness in life. They struggle to fit in society and develop mistrust towards people. 7. After all the damage done to children in Residential schools, reconciliation can be done by promoting the rights of Aboriginal community throughout Canada. Healing initiative can also be undertaken to counsel affected children and help them overcome different psychological problem. Several such healing initiative has been implemented in Canada to address sexual and physical abuse in affected person. The national apology of Stephen Harper has not worked because he is not committed to true reconciliation efforts. People still do not get real benefit as residential school survivors face several issues in their life till now. Sustained action is required to make the reconciliation efforts possible. 8. As a nurse, I would deal with such children in a very compassionate manner. In case of people suffering from substance abuse, I would provide them drug treatment and rehabilitation support. I would provide treatment to break their addictions and manage their withdrawal symptoms. I would provide emotional support and physical care to residential school survivors.